Läger i Vikingabyn sommaren 2024

Läs om Vikingabyn på Storholmen här!

We are very happy to tell you that we will have a workcamp on Storholmen, the viking village this summer too! The camp has been a success during the last years and have contributed to keep IAL running! The dates for the summer 2024 is 10th och July until 4th of august.

The volonteers will help teaching visitors traditional handicrafts, baking bread, help in the cafeteria and other tasks in the village.

One of the volonteers from last summer says that ”the best thing is living the viking life”. In the evenings they gathered round the fire and listened to stories or shared experiences, sang…and they hardly ever used their mobile phones. In the free time the volonteers can sunbathe, swim in the lake, learn about the viking way of life and traditional handicrafts or go for a boat ride.
The Village is an outdoor archeologic museum based on the idea that you should be able to LIVE and EXPERIENCE history, not just read about it in books. Why? Meet Britta, housewife of the camp, and listen to her story in our next post about the workcamp.

Is this your first workcamp?


Would you like to go to another workcamp next year?

– Yes! This one!

Alicia från Spanien deltog på IALs läger Vikingabyn på Storholmen utanför Norrtälje sommaren 2023. Hon stortrivdes och vill återvända nästa år. Och så är det faktiskt, deltagarna som kommer till Vikingabyn återkommer gärna som volontärer.